Who We Are
Bible Baptist Church is a fundamental, independent baptist church in New Buffalo, Michigan. Fundamental simply means we hold to the fundamental teachings about the church as found in the New Testament. Independent means that we do not answer to any authority but God and His Word for what we teach and preach. Baptist means we hold to what are historically considered Baptist distinctives which set us apart from other denominations.
Our main goal at Bible Baptist is to obey Christ’s Great Commission in giving people the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ and then making disciples that continue on in living out the principles found in God’s Word.
We believe that the Bible provides the answer to life’s greatest question – What happens to me after I die? If you cannot confidently answer that question, please visit the New Life In Christ page of our website and reach out to us so we can show you how you can be certain of your eternal destiny.
Get In Touch
Location: 7 E. Clay St. New Buffalo, MI
Telephone: 269-469-2474
Email: newbuffalobiblebaptistchurch@protonmail.com
Sunday: 10:45 AM (Lunch to follow approx. 12:15 PM)/ 1:00 PM Afternoon Service
Wednesday: 7:00 PM